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Broken Hearts

+++ Ernest L. Mathews, Jr. +++

Rest eternal grant him, O Lord and let light perpetual shine upon him

+ + +

Only 3 days ago, I asked once again for prayers for my father-in-law and mentioned a bit about him, his accomplishments and his role in my life. It is now with great sadness, I must say, he was unable to fight the infection and passed to Our Lord on Tuesday, the feast of Saint Matthew. I am happy to have written a fitting tribute to him. For the record, I have revealed his name. Please keep his dear soul and our family in prayer. Thank you.


I am still looking at things comprehensibly and working on a plan for this blog. We have unfinished projects and also improvements that need to be made. My personal life is kind of crazy right now for a variety of reasons, and probably will be for several months. Please accept my apologies for the unfinished projects. I would probably like to lighten up things here for a while and then, when I’m in a better position, work aggressively at some of those projects, particularly the “Prepper Rosary Program.”

We continue to ask for prayer for my dear father-in-law, who is 88 years old and has recently been transferred to a nursing home.  He was just moved to the hospital, with an infection. It is very sad, the condition he is in.  The family is rallying together now to address many existing complications (insurance errors, getting his hospital bed removed from the house, dealing with damage from a recent bad flood, etc.) and simply supporting each other during this very difficult time.  This affects me too, of course.

I will tell you a bit about my husband’s father, without mentioning his name, for privacy reasons. He was an influential Manhattan attorney, arguing several cases at the Supreme Court and winning a ground-breaking case for the Saint Patrick’s Day Parade against the homosexual activists, back in the 90’s.  He was a regular guest on Court TV and news programs.  He knew many of the New York movers and shakers, particularly in Catholic intellectual circles.  He was always an advocate of the Tridentine Mass, and when it was allowed again in the late 80’s, went immediately to attend it, accompanied by myself, at the age of 21.  As I describe in my bio (to the right), this changed my life.  He has been like a surrogate father for me, since my father died when I was 7 years old and I met my husband when I was 17.  He paid my rent for me when I was out of money and did countless other wonderful things for me and for many others. Mr. Mathews has also contributed generously to the ministry of this website. 

Another issue confronting us right now is the encroaching Covid mandates and the concerns this raises.  We are talking about selling our house and moving to a rural area, where it hopefully will be more safe.  We devout Catholics must start thinking in terms of creating rural refuges and there is no time to waste.  Our house is nowhere near being ready to sell, so we are aggressively working on that.

One day at a time is all any of us can do…with prayer.  Thank you for your prayers and understanding…and my readers are always in my prayers as well.  Please stay tuned-I will continue at the very least to do the 1st of the Month posts.

Organic Plant-Killing Methods / The Old Farmer's Almanac

[Edited since posting.]

Mini Update: Posting has been light since I am inundated with several things at once right now. I will do my best during this busy time to keep up (but it may stay light for a while), continue to make improvements and move forward. As always, I appreciate your patience. I am working on a few more yard pics and you will see the progress of my son’s project as soon as he gets around to texting me the pics…I guess sending Mommy pictures of his plants is not the top priority of this 20-something young man…and I guess I should be happy about that…because that would make him a tad….weird…right?

Now to the topic at hand…why do I use the word “plant” and not the word “weed?” Because “weed” is a pejorative! So many “weeds” create pretty flowers, are good for the ecology and are medicinal. Our modern culture has forgotten what God has given us in nature. We have developed fear and distaste for nature in many ways. An “authentic life” understands that we are nature and nature is us. There is no separation. And you cannot love what you fear.

Having said all that high-minded philosophical stuff, sometimes certain plants just gotta go! When pulling out by the roots is for some reason less of an option and you don’t want to use toxic chemicals, what can you do? I am going to cheat a little and simply refer you to an Old Farmer’s Almanac article entitled, “Homemade Herbicides: 5 Natural Ways to Weed.” The 5 methods mentioned are: boiling water, fire (I have to tell you NOT to do this on the off chance that someone tries it, burns down their house and then sues me), salt, vinegar and borax. I have to say, the method I feel most comfortable with is boiling water.* Fire…we discussed that already. Salt, vinegar and borax all have the potential to have a negative impact on the soil. However, if you take care to use these methods properly, they may be good options.

I have been collecting useful articles from The Old Farmer’s Almanac. Following are a few, starting with an intro to “Gardening for Everyone,” a series of articles for beginners or those who wish to brush-up on their knowledge. I love these articles because they are short, well-outlined and to the point. Please think about subscribing to them-you can choose the types of emails you receive…

The Old Farmer’s Almanac Gardening for Everyone Grow Your Own Food with Our Step-By-Step Series

Tick Bites/Lyme Disease/Treatment

Poison Ivy: Identifying and Treating Poison Ivy Rashes

Plants that Repel Mosquitoes and Other Insects

Home Remedies for Colds

10 Easiest Vegetables to Grow at Home

* Let me just say with something like poison ivy, that has strong poisonous oils, I’m not sure the boiling water method is safe (burning it probably isn’t good either). The steam may be able to carry the oils right up into your face (I don’t know how scientific this is). I’m just very cautious about poison ivy because I had a severe case of it once. It spread all over my body and I won’t traumatize you with the details. It was one of the worst experiences of my life, and that’s saying a lot. So, I would be cautious about this method when dealing with this type of plant. I was also stung by a nest a bees once (one of my worst experiences as well)…but still, I don’t fear nature…

Nature must be respected and understood, not feared.


Going back a bit, we had a couple of light years posting (due to personal circumstances), then the world changed around the Ides of March, 2020. I realized that as a prepper and one who studies the control system (“truther”), I would now be called upon. I hesitated a bit, to get my bearings, then proceeded with prayer and research. The past year has been a whirlwind of trying to navigate this changing environment and know what to say about it. I know it has been appreciated because my audience has grown. I deeply appreciate those who take their time to come to this site. Thank you for your support and please share it with others.

If you have followed this blog for the past year, you probably know there are a few unfinished pieces, in addition to the Prepper Rosary Program, which has been 1/4 completed. In the coming days, I will be looking at the unfinished business (which might mean just dropping it) and eventually move forward with the Prepper Rosary Program. I can only post about once per week at this point. Please stay with me and feel free to give any comments through our email-you may also join our email list. Thank you for your patience.

Rosary Meditations

We are getting many hits on the meditations on the Mysteries of the Rosary, particularly the Sorrowful Mysteries, so we now have a “ROSARY MEDITATIONS” button to the right>>>>> Check it out!

How are these meditations to be used? They can be read with the recitation of the Rosary, either privately or in a group. They can also be read on their own, as a supplement to the Rosary. You can use them in prayer meetings as well. Please feel free to print or share in any way you wish. What we simply ask, which is stated in the footer of each page here, is that you mention this website as your source. Please also feel free to share your thoughts and experiences with us through the “Contact” button above. Comments may be shared. (Let us know if you would like a PDF version made.)

These meditations are probably the most difficult writing I have ever done and they have been well-received. I am still working on completing the full Rosary. I hope one day this will become a book:)


From our spiffed-up “Contact/Email List” page (see button above):

Contact Nomen Christi Apostolate at: director@nomenchristi.org

Please feel free to contact us and share your thoughts or suggestions. Comments may be shared on our blog-a first name and location would be helpful.

subscriber Email List

Please contact us above with “Email List” in the subject box. For those in the New York area, please let us know you are local and you will receive appropriate emails dealing with local issues or events. If you have met CF Mathews personally, please give us your name and church or organization you attend or are affiliated with.

We generally send links to important posts on the blog or timely issues. You will also be notified about Program details when they occur, whether local or online. We send only occasionally, though if there is a lot going on at once, you may receive a few in a row. We never share contact information and all email recipients are kept confidential. This email account has no affiliation with “Squarespace,” further protecting your privacy. Thank you for your interest!

Job is Done: Just in time for snow!

Here’s our new creche in our backyard.

Here’s our new creche in our backyard.

I’m so excited about our new creche! As I was planting my spectacular Amaryllis bulbs (you can see the mulch over them in front of the set), I realized there was a very unique spot that I never noticed before, in the exact center of the green wall you can see there. There is a natural clearing and a charming bush which hangs above it. My first thought was, “This is a perfect spot for a creche!” I felt I did not create it, but rather discovered it, after living here for 19 years. This exterior job has been fraught with strange coincidences and remarkable events. The establishment of this Nativity scene seems to be the crowning final blessing of the project.

When I realized I needed a creche, I went online to look for an affordable one. I quickly realized that is a tall order, but found this one on Wayfair. It is small (the St. Joseph statue is 19”), but I am delighted with it. We will pray in front of it as a family on Christmas Eve and give thanks for the incredible transformation of our home in the past 2 months. It has also been a journey of personal transformation. God works in great ways for those who are open to His inspirations!

I had to dig Baby Jesus out of the snow!

I had to dig Baby Jesus out of the snow!

You can see some of our beautiful new stone work.  Tell me it was worth it.  Please!

You can see some of our beautiful new stone work. Tell me it was worth it. Please!

Now you can see a small part of what was accomplished on our property. I am very pleased with this particular area, which I didn’t even realize would turn out like this, with a perfect new spot for Our Lady. She remains roughly in her original place, under the small tree, which seems to have been placed there long ago, in anticipation of her presence. The statue got pretty dirty over the course of the work and I haven’t had time to clean it yet. Cosmetic things, along with the landscaping, will gradually be worked on through the winter and spring.

I figured out how to cover up the ugly garbage cans with a little blurby thing in the “Paint” program. LOL. Below, Our Lady is crowned with snow, literally one day after the job finished. Another blessing!

Our Lady of the Snows, pray for us!

Our Lady of the Snows, pray for us!

Update: After 2 months of boot camp, I kinda need a break. Its also Christmastime…I may or may not get something else up before Christmas. After Christmas, we will resume our “Autumn Prepper Rosary Program,” which will now be called “Prepper Rosary Program” for obvious reasons:)

My Christmas wish for my dear readers and the whole Body of Christ, is that we be made strong in all ways for the coming days. This is a glorious time to be alive and we have much work to do!

PS I hope you enjoy the images on this site. Feel free to use them-just say where you got them. Getting pictures from my phone onto this blog in a usable form, involves several steps. Each pic goes from phone to email to “Paint” to file…and finally to blog. During this moving process, they also get cropped, enhanced and re-sized. It is a process, but I do enjoy the creative aspect and have spent much time learning how to do it. I’m always learning more, like how to make a blurby thing to cover up bad stuff!


It’s 8:09 PM and I am sitting here half asleep. I hope to be in bed soon and up at 6:30. It is not unusual these days for me to sleep a great deal because I am so exhausted by the end of the day. This is Week 7 of the exterior reno and it has heated up horribly in the past few days with the neighbors, along with other problems. A relationship with one of the neighbors is probably permanently destroyed and I am trying hard to preserve my relationship with another neighbor, though it requires me to swallow my pride and forgive inappropriate behavior. I don’t think people know the meaning of patience or graciousness anymore. These are the virtues we receive in the sacramental life, that others are without (and boy does it show when people are tested-you find out who your friends really are and aren’t). But I know for a fact that God is watching over us in many ways, that is was His will for us to do this and that it will all be okay in the end.

I was very excited to receive my new outdoor creche today. I immediately unpacked it, cleared a spot for it and set it up. I will post a picture as soon as I get a chance.

God has been working so providentially in my life this past year and I suspect many other have noticed this too. He is consoling us during these terrible times. I was thinking the other day that I need to stay calm in the midst of everything I have to do right now (and it’s Christmastime, though I am a proponent of the minimalist Christmas) and this is what it said on my teabag:

“Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.”

Lao Tzu

Just the Man upstairs giving me some encouragement once again! Advent blessings to all:)

Random Stuff & Yet Another Update


Don’t you love those “Queen of Night” tulips above? They are some of my favorite. Unique and dramatic…

Last week I told you what I’m working on, but it has been a total whirlwind with the house job and we have had a number of bad problems the past few days. That’s the way things are gonna go with a MAJOR job like this. Winter is breathing down our necks and its Thanksgiving week. So I need to ask for continued patience…this is what I am asking of my neighbors as well (just be happy you are not one of them).

If you live in most of the US, it’s getting very late to plants bulbs for the Spring. But…I am doing it this week and taking my chances. I was waiting for the new landscaping to be completed before planting…it’s not completed and I have all these bulbs I spent a lot of money on. We have had a bit of a warm spell in New York, so I’m just doing it. I will mulch them for cold protection-I can also sprinkle holy water on them and pray over them…oh, the benefits of being Catholic! If you are in the south or California, you can plant through December. I know I have a lot of readers in California who may still be planting-here is a great resource to look at: Bulbs: Dig, Drop, Done. If it’s too late for you, think about the wonder of bulbs and you can plan for next year!

“Covid Culture.” Has anyone else come up with this term? I haven’t looked it up, but it seems quite obvious. This is a huge topic that is hard for me to deal with quickly right now. I also have come up with another term: “Age of Separation.” I would simply ask you to pray and meditate on these concepts and see what you come up with. You can always feel free to contact me (button above) and share your thoughts, which I may share.

A dear young priest I know gave an amazing homily recently on “The Four Last Things: Death, Judgement, Heaven, Hell.” He was discussing the reality of Hell and said:

“God will not allow His innocents to spend eternity with their abusers.”

I thought that was very interesting. Bye for now and have a blessed Thanksgiving..and Advent is coming! Please expect my next post next week…