four last things

Random Stuff & Yet Another Update


Don’t you love those “Queen of Night” tulips above? They are some of my favorite. Unique and dramatic…

Last week I told you what I’m working on, but it has been a total whirlwind with the house job and we have had a number of bad problems the past few days. That’s the way things are gonna go with a MAJOR job like this. Winter is breathing down our necks and its Thanksgiving week. So I need to ask for continued patience…this is what I am asking of my neighbors as well (just be happy you are not one of them).

If you live in most of the US, it’s getting very late to plants bulbs for the Spring. But…I am doing it this week and taking my chances. I was waiting for the new landscaping to be completed before planting…it’s not completed and I have all these bulbs I spent a lot of money on. We have had a bit of a warm spell in New York, so I’m just doing it. I will mulch them for cold protection-I can also sprinkle holy water on them and pray over them…oh, the benefits of being Catholic! If you are in the south or California, you can plant through December. I know I have a lot of readers in California who may still be planting-here is a great resource to look at: Bulbs: Dig, Drop, Done. If it’s too late for you, think about the wonder of bulbs and you can plan for next year!

“Covid Culture.” Has anyone else come up with this term? I haven’t looked it up, but it seems quite obvious. This is a huge topic that is hard for me to deal with quickly right now. I also have come up with another term: “Age of Separation.” I would simply ask you to pray and meditate on these concepts and see what you come up with. You can always feel free to contact me (button above) and share your thoughts, which I may share.

A dear young priest I know gave an amazing homily recently on “The Four Last Things: Death, Judgement, Heaven, Hell.” He was discussing the reality of Hell and said:

“God will not allow His innocents to spend eternity with their abusers.”

I thought that was very interesting. Bye for now and have a blessed Thanksgiving..and Advent is coming! Please expect my next post next week…