ginger berry overnight oats

Ash Wednesday "Ginger Berry Overnight Oats"

I happened to make these overnight oats the night before Ash Wednesday, added the 2 layers for breakfast, and realized what a good “fasting day” meal this is. It is vegetarian (you can make it vegan), healthy, nutrient dense and filling. If you are eating empty calories or not enough substance, you might have difficulty getting through the day….unless that’s what you want, you do you! But if you have health issues or get irritable when you’re hungry, it might not be the most responsible thing to tax yourself too much. So here’s one idea for an Ash Wednesday / Good Friday meal and this recipe is so flexible, you can make your own variations (you decide how much of this is a meal or a snack). And from a prepper viewpoint, overnight oats is a great way to make something without needing a heat source…stock up on oats!

One cup Rolled Oats in a 6 1/2” x 6 1/2” dish. 1 tbs Chia Seeds, 1 scoop sweetened Vanilla Protein Shake Mix, any Milk (just enough to cover oats), ground Ginger to taste. Mix well. Let sit in fridge covered overnight.

Spread one serving of yogurt on top. This is a stevia-sweetened berry yogurt.

Top with Berries.

Spoon into another dish. That’s it! Overnight Oats are are meant to be eaten cold, but you can certainly warm it up a bit if you want, you may also wish to add more milk for a creamier texture.