catholic november

November is the Month of the Holy Souls in Purgatory-Part I

[Edited since posting.]

“May light eternal shine upon them, O Lord, with Thy saints forever, for Thou art kind. Grant them everlasting rest, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them, with Thy saints.”

The above text is from the “Communion” of the Tridentine Mass for All Souls Day. The rainbow photo was taken by my son at a lake in New Jersey on All Hallows Eve. The photo below it is from the All Souls Day Mass at one of the churches we attend on Long Island. You can see the beautiful and rare black vestments. Though this Mass is solemn, we are also joyful that upon its celebration, many souls likely ascend to Heaven from their stay in the fires of Purgatory…a place of refreshment, light, peace and unspeakable joy!

How can we honor and assist the Holy Souls this month? Here are a few suggestions:

1) A partial indulgence may be obtained by visiting a cemetery with mental prayer for the Holy Souls. There is a similar plenary, which has been extended by the Vatican-will discuss this in another post.

2) A partial indulgence may be obtained by recitation of the Office of the Dead.

3) A partial indulgence may be obtained by recitation of the De Profundis.

4) Remember the Holy Souls in daily family prayer, litanies, the Rosary, etc. Attend weekday Mass for the Holy Souls.

5) Perform a Holy Hour for the Holy Souls, either at home or organized at your church with pastoral permission (we will be posting one soon).

6) Obtain one of the plenary indulgences for the Year of Saint Joseph.

Wishing you blessings during this month of November…stay tuned for Part II…

November: Month of the Holy Souls in Purgatory


November is dedicated to the Holy Souls in Purgatory. They are holy because they died in a state of grace, but still must be washed of all remnant of sin. They are in a state of suffering and need our prayers for alleviation and a speedy ascent to the Kingdom of Heaven. How much they desire and appreciate our prayers! Though All Souls Day is not a holy day of obligation, it’s still a wonderful idea to attend mass and offer for these souls, especially your loved ones. You can help make the image above, a reality.

We begin the month with All Saints Day. One thing that separates the saints from others, is their willingness to embrace possibility, rather than shrink from it. This takes great courage because the world continually discourages us from being all we can be. Holiness threatens those in power and their agenda. Right now, this is particularly true in the world.

November also gives us 3 Doctors of the Church and another notable theologian, Saint Gertrude the Great. She was a mystic, best known for the work, The Herald of Divine Love. Benedict XIV gave her the title “Great,” to distinguish her from another St. Gertrude (whom she knew personally) and probably because he thought she was great! She is the only woman saint to bear this title. It is appropriate her feast is in the month of November, since she was greatly dedicated to the souls in purgatory and is often invoked on their behalf.

By the end of this month, we will be in Advent! Let us prepare for our spiritual exercises of Advent and remember those of the Body of Christ, who remain suffering in the afterlife.

BTW, the TAN calendar states that Thanksgiving Day is a new feast. I have been unable to corroborate this in my research. If you have any info, please contact us above. Here are a few notable feasts this month:


2-All Souls Day

6-First Friday

7-First Saturday

10-Pope St. Leo the Great, Doctor, “Doctor of the Unity of the Church”

13-St. Francis Cabrini, 20th Century Saint

15-St. Albert the Great, Doctor, “The Universal Doctor”

16-St. Gertrude the Great

21-Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

22-CHRIST KING OF THE UNIVERSE / St. Cecilia, Patroness of Music

24-St. John of the Cross, Doctor, “Doctor of Mystical Theology”

29-First Sunday of ADVENT

30-St. Andrew, Apostle

This blog gives both old and new feasts

Image courtesy