catholic month september

September is the Month of Our Lady of Sorrows-Part 1

Let us honor the 7 Sorrows of Our Lady this month. She teaches us how to suffer. Last month, we celebrated her Immaculate Heart and now we see the great suffering which results from great love. Next month, we contemplate the Holy Rosary, the gift to humanity out of this motherly love.

There are many devotions to Our Lady of Sorrows. Think about choosing one (the chaplet is wonderful) and praying it with your family or church group.

Come back next week and we will discuss this topic a bit further, along with the notable feasts of the month. Don’t forget Mother Teresa of Calcutta’s feast on the 5th and Our Lady’s nativity on the 8th!

our lady of sorrows, pray for us!

September is the Month of Our Lady of Sorrows

Standing Mother

At the Foot of the Cross

O all you who walk by on the road

Attend and see

If there be any sorrow

Like my sorrow

+ + +

These tragic words are part of a prayer. Bouguereau’s dramatic painting “Pieta,” from 1876, is the perfect companion to these words. Receiving her son’s body into her arms, was the 6th of Our Lady’s 7 Sorrows, the swords which pierced her Immaculate Heart. We pay respect to these sorrows on the 15th of the month, exactly one month after the feast of the Assumption.

As if this was not enough, her heart continues to be grieved by our many sins and the 5 offenses represented by the 5 First Saturdays Devotion, given by Our Lady of Fatima. This devotion helps secure reparation to her Immaculate Heart.

We are celebrating 3 months in a row dedicated to Our Blessed Mother Mary. August honored the Immaculate Heart, we now honor her Sorrowful Heart and next month, we renew our devotion to her Holy Rosary, given to Saint Dominic. We can meditate on how these 3 months are linked together and in fact, inseparable. Let us take the next week to pray on and contemplate this (feel free to email me with any thoughts).

Here are the traditional Roman Catholic feasts of September:

Image from Cathy Weisbecker at Pinterest, colors have been muted.

September is the Month of Our Lady of Sorrows


In this month of Our Lady of Sorrows, if you are not familiar with the “Seven Sorrows Chaplet,” here is where you can purchase one. Mine is shown above, depicting Our Lady with seven swords piercing her Immaculate Heart, the month of which we have just celebrated. It has been such a blessing to pray this chaplet over the years, as a family. In addition to the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, we honor Our Blessed Mother in 4 other major feasts this month.

We celebrate 5 Doctors of the Church in September. As I stated last month, I am now indicating a major work authored by each Doctor. Please consider reading some of these wonderful works of Holy Church’s antiquity. Obtaining good quality hard-cover books is a great idea from a “prepper” point of view. How long before these classics are considered “unessential items?” We have several 20th Century saints this month and also the Ember Days in September, traditional days of penance and prayer for the coming season. Ember Days are wonderful to celebrate with children, incorporating crafts and giving them a love for the Catholic Faith and her traditions.

Let us remember the 20th anniversary of the attacks on the United States on September 11th, 2001. Let us offer prayers for those departed, along with their loved ones…for those who continue to suffer with physical and mental disability…and for those responsible. Lord have mercy.

Here is a sampling of feasts for this month:

9/3-First Friday / Pope St. Gregory the Great, Doctor of the Church, author Pastoral Care / Pope St. Pius X, 20th Century Saint

9/4-First Saturday

9/5-St. Teresa of Calcutta, Founder of the Missionaries of Charity, 20th Century Saint



9/13-St. John Chrysostom, Doctor of the Church, author On the Priesthood

9/14-Exaltation of the Holy Cross


9/17-St. Robert Bellarmine, Doctor of the Church, author The Controversies / St. Hildegard of Bingen, Doctor of the Church, author Scivias (Know the Ways of the Lord) / Stigmata of St. Francis of Assisi


9/21-St. Matthew, Apostle, Evangelist of Gospel, Martyr

9/22-Ember Wednesday in September (trad meat at one meal)

9/23-St. Pio of Pietralcina, 20th Century Saint

9/24-OUR LADY OF RANSOM / Ember Friday in September

9/25-Ember Saturday in September (trad meat at one meal)

9/27-St. Vincent de Paul, Founder of the Vincentians

9/29-Sts. Michael, Gabriel & Raphael / Michaelmas Day

9/30-St. Jerome, Doctor of the Church, author Latin Vulgate Bible