catholic month of march

March is the Month of Saint Joseph

What better time than March, the Month of Saint Joseph, to recite the beautiful “Thirty Days Prayer to Saint Joseph?”  What better time than this March?  What better time than today?  This can be the way you honor the Foster-Father of Our Blessed Lord during his month, a Lenten exercise and an opportunity to lift up our intentions at this critical point in time.  This prayer states, “My sins have drawn down on me the just displeasure of my God, and so I am surrounded with unhappiness.”  This goes for the whole world.  Sin is the reason why it is all happening and it is now pay-up time.  We all knew something had to break eventually because of the trajectory we were on.  Well, look around.  It’s breaking and time is short. 

There is another more lengthy 30-day devotion called “The Holy Cloak of Saint Joseph.”  Here is the PDF printable of the prayer mentioned above…



Saint Joseph’s feast on the 19th is also the date of the Spring Equinox this year.  As preppers, Spring is one of the most exciting times of year!  But often it seems to come too fast, so now is the time to plant your indoor seedlings (if that applies to your climate) and get that garden ready.  If you haven’t gardened before but want to get started, there are so many resources available (try The Old Farmer’s Almanac, which is now offering a free “Beginner’s Guide to Gardening”).  90% of the battle is getting started.  So maybe you could make that a Lenten goal while there are still 4 weeks left of Lent?  Preparing and taking care of your family is certainly a noble endeavor.  It is actually like a Corporal work of Mercy.  And hopefully, at that difficult time in the coming days, you will have so much abundance, that you will be able to help others around you as well.  Saint Isidore the Farmer, whose feast we celebrate on the 22nd, will be proud of you! 

March ends with the solemn Easter Triduum and the 31st is Easter, the Solemnity of Solemnities.  We celebrate the glorious Resurrection of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, only 9 days before the “X Marks the Spot Solar Eclipse” over North America (which some say is a prophetic sign of God’s wrath upon us).  Wow, precisely enough time to pray a novena (and also perform the First Saturdays Devotion on April 6th)!  If you are on our email list or have been following the blog, you already know about our…

Eclipse Pilgrimage of Mercy

This gets even more interesting.  The week of the eclipse is April 7th-13th, Sunday to Saturday.   April 7th is the feast of the Divine Mercy and April 8th, the day of the eclipse, is the Annunciation.  We have added the Chaplet of Divine Mercy from Easter Sunday to April 8th, to the Pilgrimage format.  During the week of the eclipse, the suggestion is to visit a holy Catholic place, such as a shrine, cathedral, etc, and pray the Rosary for mercy.  If this is too difficult, any church will do.  More details to follow.

Here are some notable feasts of March…. 

1st-First Friday of the Sacred Heart

2nd-First Saturday of the Immaculate Heart

3rd-Saint Katherine Drexel, 20th Century Saint

6th-Saints Felicitas & Perpetua, Martyrs

7th-Saint Thomas Aquinas

12th-Pope Saint Gregory the Great

17th-Passion Sunday / Saint Patrick


22nd-Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary / Saint Isidore the Farmer

24th-Palm Sunday / Saint Gabriel Archangel

28th-Holy Thursday

29th-GOOD FRIDAY (fast & abstinence)



Traditional Calendar for March 

We discuss both trad and new feasts.

March is the Month of Saint Joseph

Nomen Christi Apostolate Prayer to Saint Joseph

O Saint Joseph, Guardian of Our Lord and Our Lady, intercede for us before the Divine Majesty. O holy and humble carpenter, pray for God's children in all our great need. We pray this in the Name of the Christ Child, once held in your loving arms.


This Lenten month of Saint Joseph begins straight away with Ember Wednesday in Lent, on the 1st. Ember Friday and Saturday ensue. Traditionally, meat is eaten at only one meal on the Ember Days. Of course, these days are for prayer and penance for the benefit of the coming season. So what do you do on the Ember Days of Lent? More prayer and penance? Well, that’s one idea. The Ember Days present a particularly nice opportunity to do seasonal crafts with children, teaching them to love our holy Faith. Pray on it and maybe do some reading on the Ember Days, to decide how you will celebrate them. Reading the beautiful Mass texts is always quite rewarding.

We have Saint Joseph’s feast on the 20th this year, because the 19th falls on a Sunday. This date is also the Spring Equinox. The Annunciation is celebrated on the 25th.

Let us also seek out devotions to our dear Saint Joseph this month and pray to grow closer to the Heart of Christ as we approach the great feast of His Resurrection!

Traditional Catholic Calendar for March:

March is the Month of Saint Joseph

The icon above is so sweet, how it portrays the Child Jesus’ love and affection for His Foster-Father, whose feast we celebrate this month on the 19th. May we further our own love for Saint Joseph during his month of March, as we also embark on the Season of Lent.

Ash Wednesday is the 2nd of the month-we begin Lent by contemplating our mortality and performing penance. There has never been a time in our lives when the world has needed more prayer and penance, so let us observe this Lent as well as we can, without stressing ourselves too much. When we stress ourselves, it has an immediate affect on those around us. As Saint Paul reminded us in the Quinquagesima Epistle:

“If I speak with the tongues of men, and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. And if I should have prophecy and should know all mysteries, and all knowledge, and if I should have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. And if I should distribute all my goods to feed the poor, and if I should deliver my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing…And now there remain faith, hope, and charity, these three: but the greatest of these is charity.”

1 Corinthians 13:1

Adding to the penitential spirit of Lent, we have the Ember Days on the 9th, 11th and 12th. This is a time to pray and offer for blessings and mercy upon the coming season of Spring.

We remember the great event of The Annunciation of the Lord on the 25th. Some other notable saints which March celebrates are: 20th-century Saint, Katherine Drexel…martyrs invoked in the Canon, Felicity & Perpetua…Doctors of the Church Saint Thomas Aquinas, Pope Saint Gregory the Great, Saint Cyril of Jerusalem and Saint John Damascene…our beloved Saint Patrick and Saint Gabriel the Archangel, just prior to The Annunciation. Let us give special mention to Saint Isidore the Farmer, who we particularly like here at Nomen Christi Apostolate!

What may we do this month to honor our dear Saint Joseph? Of course, last year was the Year of Saint Joseph. Maybe we could gain some inspiration from those former indulgences.

Finally, let us pray for peace, especially in the Ukraine. But remember, we live in an illusory world, where nothing is what it seems and the truth is often not what we are told. There is always more to the story. There is always information we are not privy to. But let us not forget the World Wars already waging…the war upon the unborn and the vulnerable…and the war upon freedom combined with the Covid bioweapon and the “Mystery Injection” being touted as a vaccine. Of course we never despair-we trust in the Most Holy Trinity, because we are God’s children and we know He loves us!

Here is your traditional Month of March calendar. Lenten blessings to all…

Saint Joseph icon at

March: Month of Saint Joseph


Within this “Year of Saint Joseph,” we now celebrate the “Month of Saint Joseph,” which also includes his feast on the 19th. We remain in Lent throughout the month. Perhaps some of our Lenten exercises can include devotions to the Foster-Father of Our Lord. We will be posting some prayers to Saint Joseph on his feastday.

March also includes 2 Marian feasts, the Annunciation and the lesser feast of the Seven Sorrows (one week before Good Friday). Interestingly, Saint Gabriel is celebrated the day before the feast of the Annunciation. We also honor 4 Doctors of the Church, including Pope St. Gregory the Great, who is considered by some “The Greatest of the Great” (in other words, the greatest Pope who ever lived, having a reign of only 14 years). This got me very curious about him, so look for a post on his feast, which will try to understand his charism. Saint Isidore the Farmer’s feast is on the 22nd, which brings to mind the mission of Nomen Christi Apostolate: the pursuit of a life closer to nature and more self-reliant. In the USA, I don’t think we are in danger of forgetting the feast of St. Patrick, much beloved by the many Irish whose ancestors settled here (myself included).

The month ends in Holy Week, our final Lenten penitential efforts, to prepare for the glorious feast of the Resurrection, the greatest of all solemnities. May we continue through the month of March to give the Most Holy Trinity our very best, to secure mercy for ourselves, our loved ones, Holy Church and the whole world at this hour. Here are some notable feasts coming up….

3/3-St. Katharine Drexel, 20th Century Saint

3/5-First Friday

3/6-First Saturday / Sts. Felicity & Perpetua, invoked in Canon of Mass (trad)

3/7-Sts. Felicity & Perpetua (new) / Saint Thomas Aquinas, Doctor, “The Angelic Doctor,” “The Common Doctor”

3/12-Pope St. Gregory the Great, Doctor, “The Greatest of the Great”

3/17-St. Patrick, Patron of Ireland

3/18-St. Cyril of Jerusalem, Doctor, “Doctor of Catechesis”

3/19-St. Joseph (solemnity, no Friday penance)

3/21-Passion Sunday (trad) / St. Benedict

3/22-St. Isidore the Farmer

3/24-St. Gabriel the Archangel, Angel of the Annunciation



3/27-St. John Damascene, Doctor, “Doctor of Christian Art,” “Doctor of the Assumption”


3/31-Spy Wednesday

Image courtesy