February is the Month of the Passion of Our Lord

How may we honor the Passion of Our Blessed Lord this month? Well, that’s not too hard, since Lent begins on the 22nd. There are numerous devotions to the Passion…we all know the wonderful Sorrowful Mysteries, which some say every day of Lent. Do your research, choose something and begin with the onset of Lent. It is always great to learn new devotions. If you find them online, do print them out…a very Catholic Prepper thing to do!

We are in the third month of what I have coined the “Christological Triad of the Months.” I previously suggested that we meditate upon the Divine Infancy, the Holy Name and the Passion of Our Lord, and how they might interrelate. We begin with the birth of Christ and the triad ends with His death. Joining the two is His Holy Name. The name of Jesus is a mystery we could easily contemplate our entire lives. Suffice it to say that it has something to do with His Identity and is therefore quite sacred, relating directly to the 2nd Commandment. Let us pray that we can all receive some enlightenment by the Holy Ghost on this interesting matter.

Don’t forget Septuagesima starts on the 5th and is our preparation for Lent, so we do not come to Lent saying to ourselves, “What am I doing? Oh no, it’s Lent already! I just drank my coffee. Am I giving up coffee? Oh nooooooooooo!” (I’m not giving up coffee. I did that once and almost died.)

In the trad Liturgical Calendar, we are closing the Time After Epiphany, which concludes the Cycle of Christmas, when we contemplate the Mystery of the Incarnation. The Cycle of Easter, the Mystery of the Redemption, begins at Septuagesima (I am not typing that word again, it is hurting my post-concussive brain) and remains for the rest of the year, going through various sub-sections.

Here is your trad calendar for this month….calefactory.org