Month of January: The Holy Name of Christ ~ Nomen Christi!

Christological Triad of the Months

In a previous post, I discussed the “Marian Triad of the Months,” which are 3 months in a row, dedicated to Our Lady (August-October). I may have said this was the only “triad” of the year, however, if we look at the Liturgical Year, we see another grouping of 3 from December to February. This is my own concept, which I have titled, “Christological Triad of the Months.” Let us meditate upon the Divine Infancy, the Holy Name and the Passion of Our Lord. How do they interrelate?

Mary, Mother of God

O Mary, Mother of God, we entrust this new year to you!

A New Year

It is time to leave the world. If you don’t see this, I don’t know how to help you. This is our job this year. It will mean different things to different people. We must pray for guidance.

May we honor the Holy Name of Christ this month and dedicate ourselves more fully to its defense!

Traditional Catholic Calendar