
Sorry I have not posted much…this past week has been rough because I had some dental treatment and also had to buy a car. My mouth is still hurting and I still can’t figure out how the locks work on my new 2020 car. I have been driving a 2004 and have no idea how all this stuff works. It is so weird to turn the car on with a button instead of a key and when I’m backing up, I don’t know whether to look in the rear view mirror or the camera. My fancy audio system keeps going on and off. I’m watching YouTube videos now to figure out how this car works. I never needed a tutorial on how to operate a car before! This could become a whole post on the woes of technology…I have spent my entire life meditating on this, since I was a teenager in the 80’s. There is a point where technology becomes so cumbersome, time-consuming, fragile, privacy-reducing…that the detriment exceeds the benefit. I think we are at that point (with the advent of 5G, we also have a host of new problems). Perhaps this is a “singularity” of a sort. Ask 10 people what “singularity” means and you get 10 completely different answers. What is the solution? Go back. That’s my 2 cents and I’m stickin to it. I realize this is radical. If you are not willing to be radical, the coming days will rake you over the coals. Either way, you are in the pressure cooker. Choices must be made. Difficult ones.

Anyway, I TOTALLY LOVE MY NEW CAR!!!!!!!!!!!! Really, I do. (My old one is literally taped together with duct tape-sadly, that is not a joke! But a guy is actually giving me $500 for it and is going to fix it up. I think I will leave a 6-pack in the back seat for him. He will need it.) TY for your patience:)