June is the Month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

My son is home from college...he was just remarking on my strangeness.  He said, "I wouldn't have you any other way, except a little bit different."  Yay.  This is the summer I have to look forward to.

Holy Church dedicates this month to Our Lord's Sacred Heart, His actual LOVE for us!  It is a Love which must be reciprocated.  And we know the way to reciprocate it...by conforming to His Holy Will.  The feast of His Sacred Heart is the 23rd, and the very next day is the feast of His Mother's Immaculate Heart!  They cannot be separated-they are of one fiber.  In addition, we have Corpus Christi and the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus this month.  A great month to perform Sacred Heart devotions and read up on the life of Saint Margaret Mary.

If you have not celebrated the Five First Saturdays, if you start this month, you'll still complete them during the six-month Fatima apparitions time frame.  Of course, this devotion was given to Sister Lucia, the oldest of the Fatima seers, who lived to a ripe old age, while the other two died very young.  We have the glorious feast of Pentecost and the Ember Days during Pentecost Week-let us offer these days for the coming season of summer, to be safe and fruitful for all the world.

Four Marian feasts (five if you count the 13th) and four Doctors of the Church, we honor this month.  Again, we will celebrate our Fatima Holy Hour on the 13th-stay tuned to the Home Page for more details.  Contact us if you would like an email reminder....think about asking your pastor if you can do this Holy Hour in church....I've already been there-you can expect him to say OK only if you will be doing it with a parish group you are already active with.....and please let us know if you participate-you may add your voice to our comments on the 13th-we would love to hear from you!  Here is a sampling of this month's feasts....Happy June!....

6/2-First Friday

6/3-First Saturday (good time to start the First Saturday Devotion, during this Fatima Centennial!)/Vigil of Pentecost (trad no meat)

6/4-Pentecost (commencing Pentecost Week)

6/7-Ember Wednesday After Pentecost (trad meat at one meal)

6/8-Mary, Mediatrix of All Graces

6/9-Ember Friday After Pentecost

6/10-Ember Saturday After Pentecost (trad meat at one meal)

6/11-Trinity Sunday

6/13-100th Anniversary of the Second Apparition at Fatima/St. Anthony of Padua, Doctor of the Church, 1231 (pray for our culture to find its sanity-my son is in college-you won't believe how bad the gender thing has gotten-the stories he tells me are truly stomach-turning...he even knows someone who demands to be referred to as "It!")

6/14-St. Basil the Great, Doctor of the Church, 379 (here's a thought-if you read one book of each of the Doctors of the Church per year, it would take 35 years!...kind of makes you think twice when you pick up a book, huh?)

6/15-Corpus Christi

6/18-Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ/St. Ephrem of Syria, Doctor of the Church, 373

6/20-Our Lady of Consolation

6/22-St. Thomas More, Martyr under Henry VIII, 1535

6/23-Most Sacred Heart of Jesus (Solemnity-no penance)/Vigil of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist

6/24-Immaculate Heart of Mary/Nativity of St. John the Baptist

6/27-Our Lady of Perpetual Help/St. Cyril of Alexandria, Doctor of the Church, 444

6/28-Vigil of Sts. Peter & Paul

6/29-Eucharistic Heart of Jesus/Sts. Peter & Paul

6/30-First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church/Commemoration of St. Paul

This blog features both old and new feasts.