solar storm info

Coronal Mass Ejections Hitting Earth Over Weekend

[Edited Since Posting.]

Disclaimer: This is the information we have received. We bear no responsibility for errors. Please make your own decisions with prayer. Please do not rely on this website for alerts, we will give them only when we are able and have received the information in a timely manner.

Apparently, there have been 6 solar ejections as of this time which are inbound towards earth. They can begin hitting at any time and will continue for the next several days.

The main concern appears to be power outages which could do major damage and be long-term. Some communications and GPS are also a concern. Here are the recommendations:

1) Prepare for blackouts to begin at any time.

2) Work on general preparedness such as supplies, including water.

3) Limit travel, unless you feel it is necessary to leave your area.

4) Unplug appliances.

5) Keep in contact with your loved ones.

6) Be careful in areas which could be dangerous during an outage (basements, attics, elevators), keep a flashlight on you.

7) See if anyone in your neighborhood needs help.

8) Pray the Rosary and the Novena to the Holy Ghost. Don’t worry. Trust in God!

Hopefully all will be well. Certain areas may see auroras in the sky, that don’t normally see them. Your area might be one!

PS Here’s a post I wrote 4 years ago on the time I was trapped in my basement during a power outage:

Trapped in a Dark Basement