Our Lady, Queen of the Angels & Other Upcoming Feasts

Today, there is a local traditional feast in France, "Our Lady, Queen of the Angels." May we invoke her intercession for the recent tragedies of terrorism and massacre.

Our Lady, Queen of the Angels, dispatch our guardians on behalf of the innocent! Lord have mercy. Lord deliver us!

12/12-Our Lady of Guadalupe, Empress of the Americas

12/13-Have a joyful Gaudete Sunday!

12/16,18,19-Ember Days in Advent

12/18-Expectation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

12/24-Vigil of the Nativity (trad no meat)/Saints Adam & Eve

12/25-Nativity of Our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ

12/27-Feast of the Holy Family

12/28-Holy Innocents

(this blog provides both old and new feasts)