It's Coming Like a Wave from West to East...

An “X” across the greatest military power in human history.

Spanning 7 years.

At the end of an Empire.

Pride comes before a fall.

But all ends also bring new beginnings.

What will our new beginning look like?

We will be the ones to decide.

“the great north american eclipse”

“the great american eclipse”

on the date of Our Lady of Knock apparitions, in the Month of the Immaculate Heart, in the year of the Fatima Centennial

crossing “the great north american eclipse”

on the feast of the Annunciation, in the Month of the Holy Eucharist

Images from and

Chiara F Mathews on Bill Kassel's Podcast / Good Shepherd Catholic Radio!

Listen to Chiara F Mathews discuss the “Eclipse Pilgrimage of mercy”

(at 20:08 minutes)

Bill Kassel, host of the radio show “Free Expressions” on Good Shepherd Catholic Radio out of Michigan, was gracious enough to request an interview about our “Eclipse Pilgrimage of Mercy.”

It’s a short discussion relating the main points of the Pilgrimage and why it is important and relevant for the entire world. I am deeply grateful to Bill for this opportunity. Please have a listen and here is more about Mr. Kassel and “Free Expressions” from his website:

“Bill Kassel has made a specialty of communicating religious ideas and moral principles in highly accessible ways to a broad public.  He is the author of two Christian mysteries: Holy Innocents (2000) and This Side of Jordan (2005).  He is also a songwriter, Christian entertainer, and humorist…

Writing under his own byline or as a ghostwriter for others, he has authored or edited non-fiction books as well as articles appearing in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, USA Today, Newsweek, National Catholic Register, American Legion Magazine, and numerous other publications.”

Kassel’s most recent book My Brother’s Keeper, a novel about the family of Jesus, has won the 2018 “Catholic Arts & Letters Award.” Here’s more:

“MY BROTHER’S KEEPER is an imaginative and riveting historical / religious novel in the tradition of such bible-based classics as Ben Hur, The Robe, and The Silver Chalice. It offers a sweeping vision of a nation at its tipping point — a proud and ancient people facing economic stress, political division, and the specter of radicalism and violence, conditions not unlike those of our own time. This is a sprawling tale with a fresh and compelling perspective on Jesus and his family that will make you reconsider the story that’s at the very heart of Western Civilization.”

Kassel also writes a blog, see above link for further exploration of his work.

Good Shepherd Catholic Radio is affiliated with EWTN, Ave Maria Radio and the Diocese of Lansing, Michigan.

"Avoiding Babylon" Interviews Michael Hichborn & Gives Us a Plug!

Are [Certain] Bishops Tools of the World Economic Forum?

I’ve mentioned our friend Anthony Abbate before. We’ve known him from the Latin Mass on Long Island for years. He started a YouTube channel called “Avoiding Babylon” several years ago and has recently had a meteoric rise in popularity. He’s had incredible guests like Dr. Taylor Marshall and Bishop Athanasius Schneider. Last night, he and his sidekick Rob (who very entertainingly smokes cigars while Anthony talks) interviewed the President of The Lepanto Institute, Michael Hichborn. From their website:

The Lepanto Institute for the Restoration of All Things in Christ is a research and education organization dedicated to the defense of the Catholic Church against assaults from without as well as from within.  Whether in the form of armies, heretics, or traitors, the Church has always faced enemies seeking Her destruction.  Today, the Church faces all three.”

Towards the very end of the video, Anthony mentions Nomen Christi Apostolate’s “Eclipse Pilgrimage of Mercy.” I am deeply grateful for his help in promoting this. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have people in all 50 states, from sea to shining sea, praying the Divine Mercy Novena and visiting Catholic sites to pray the Holy Rosary for mercy? I don’t know if this campaign will be quite that successful, but we are giving it the best effort we can….and we need your help too!

Check out “Avoiding Babylon” for a whole host of fascinating discussions and guests!

Cardinal Burke's 9 Month Novena-Starts March 12th!

Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke’s Novena overlaps significantly, IMHO, with the upcoming Total Solar Eclipse we have been discussing. This Novena is dedicated to Our Lady of Guadalupe and she seems to keep coming up in relation to the eclipse (we will discuss this further in another post). Burke sees the polycrises in the world and understands we must flee to Our Lady. That is what our Eclipse Pilgrimage of Mercy is doing as well, fleeing to Our Lord in the Divine Mercy Novena and also Our Lady in the Holy Rosary…and for the same reasons.

A Worldwide Call to Prayer: Return to Our Lady

From the website:

“Sign up for this 9 month novena, which begins March 12 and culminates in a consecration to Our Lady of Guadalupe for her feast day on December 12.

Each month, you'll receive emails from his Eminence with encouragement and spiritual direction along the journey of this novena, leading up to the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

There is real, miraculous, and transformative peace in the protection of Mary’s Mantle. To this end, Cardinal Burke is calling upon all Catholics to join him in a significant novena seeking Our Lady’s intercession. Those who sign up to accompany the Cardinal in this urgent effort can expect short video reflections from his Eminence each month, in addition to regular written reflections and prayers.

When Juan Diego opened his tilma and roses poured out, a miracle was set into motion. The miracle continues with our participation in this historic prayer event to Our Lady. Join the world in prayer.

Beginning March 12, we will pray daily for Our Lady's intercession. Cardinal Burke has composed a prayer specifically for this novena.”

If you’re late in joining the Novena, or if you fail to say the prayer each day, don’t be discouraged! Keep at it!

PDF Printable ~ Nine-Month Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe

Eclipse Pilgrimage of Mercy

“X Marks the Spot”

Total Solar Eclipse Across North America

April 8th, 2024 


Good Friday, March 29th to April 13th 

Novena of the Divine Mercy chaplet:  Good Friday to April 6th

Prior to Divine Mercy Sunday, April 7th 

Don’t worry if you start the Novena a bit late!

Divine Mercy Chaplet Special Novena Prayers

Pilgrimage to Holy Sites Across the Land:  April 7th to 13th

Pray the Full Rosary at a Shrine or Cathedral One Day of This Week

Don’t worry if you can’t travel, any church will be fine!

How to Pray a Full Rosary (all 4 Mysteries)

This eclipse, when seen with the total eclipse 7 years ago across North America, forms an “X” across the Midwest, USA.  Some say this is a prophetic sign of God’s wrath upon us.  Whether or not we see it as a sign, let us use this spectacular natural event as a catalyst to pray for mercy.  It is obvious we are living in dangerous times, both spiritually and temporally.  Let us call down God’s extraordinary graces with the Divine Mercy Novena.  Let us also travel to Catholic holy sites, which bear the Presence of Christ, to pray the Holy Rosary.  As the eclipse traverses the sky, may the Body of Christ traverse the land, sanctifying it and securing mercy. 

This is to be done individually by families or church groups.  No need to sign up for anything, just do it!

We would appreciate letting us know you have participated. Click “Contact” button above.

Printing & Distributing Helps Us Out and Promotes This Event. let’s lift up our prayer for mercy from sea to shining sea! we need your help. share in whatever ways you can. Thank you!

Eclipse Pilgrimage of Mercy PDF Printable

*** Set your printer to Color or Black & White ***

March is the Month of Saint Joseph

What better time than March, the Month of Saint Joseph, to recite the beautiful “Thirty Days Prayer to Saint Joseph?”  What better time than this March?  What better time than today?  This can be the way you honor the Foster-Father of Our Blessed Lord during his month, a Lenten exercise and an opportunity to lift up our intentions at this critical point in time.  This prayer states, “My sins have drawn down on me the just displeasure of my God, and so I am surrounded with unhappiness.”  This goes for the whole world.  Sin is the reason why it is all happening and it is now pay-up time.  We all knew something had to break eventually because of the trajectory we were on.  Well, look around.  It’s breaking and time is short. 

There is another more lengthy 30-day devotion called “The Holy Cloak of Saint Joseph.”  Here is the PDF printable of the prayer mentioned above…



Saint Joseph’s feast on the 19th is also the date of the Spring Equinox this year.  As preppers, Spring is one of the most exciting times of year!  But often it seems to come too fast, so now is the time to plant your indoor seedlings (if that applies to your climate) and get that garden ready.  If you haven’t gardened before but want to get started, there are so many resources available (try The Old Farmer’s Almanac, which is now offering a free “Beginner’s Guide to Gardening”).  90% of the battle is getting started.  So maybe you could make that a Lenten goal while there are still 4 weeks left of Lent?  Preparing and taking care of your family is certainly a noble endeavor.  It is actually like a Corporal work of Mercy.  And hopefully, at that difficult time in the coming days, you will have so much abundance, that you will be able to help others around you as well.  Saint Isidore the Farmer, whose feast we celebrate on the 22nd, will be proud of you! 

March ends with the solemn Easter Triduum and the 31st is Easter, the Solemnity of Solemnities.  We celebrate the glorious Resurrection of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, only 9 days before the “X Marks the Spot Solar Eclipse” over North America (which some say is a prophetic sign of God’s wrath upon us).  Wow, precisely enough time to pray a novena (and also perform the First Saturdays Devotion on April 6th)!  If you are on our email list or have been following the blog, you already know about our…

Eclipse Pilgrimage of Mercy

This gets even more interesting.  The week of the eclipse is April 7th-13th, Sunday to Saturday.   April 7th is the feast of the Divine Mercy and April 8th, the day of the eclipse, is the Annunciation.  We have added the Chaplet of Divine Mercy from Easter Sunday to April 8th, to the Pilgrimage format.  During the week of the eclipse, the suggestion is to visit a holy Catholic place, such as a shrine, cathedral, etc, and pray the Rosary for mercy.  If this is too difficult, any church will do.  More details to follow.

Here are some notable feasts of March…. 

1st-First Friday of the Sacred Heart

2nd-First Saturday of the Immaculate Heart

3rd-Saint Katherine Drexel, 20th Century Saint

6th-Saints Felicitas & Perpetua, Martyrs

7th-Saint Thomas Aquinas

12th-Pope Saint Gregory the Great

17th-Passion Sunday / Saint Patrick


22nd-Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary / Saint Isidore the Farmer

24th-Palm Sunday / Saint Gabriel Archangel

28th-Holy Thursday

29th-GOOD FRIDAY (fast & abstinence)



Traditional Calendar for March 

We discuss both trad and new feasts.

To Dream the Impossible Dream: The Authentic Life

I keep saying that we will go crazy if we don’t have something to balance the darkness all around us, a vision to inspire us and get us through. And of course, faith in God. Let us never lose our humanity. Let us always hold our heads up high. And ultimately, we live for the next life.

I grew up listening to this song, we need a few anthems right now…

“The Impossible Dream (The Quest)”

Richard Kiley & Cast from Man of La Mancha, 1966

To dream the impossible dream

To fight the unbeatable foe

To bear with unbearable sorrow

To run where the brave dare not go

To right the unrightable wrong

To love pure and chased from afar

To try when your arms are too weary

To reach the unreachable star

This is my quest to follow that star

No matter how hopeless, no matter how far

To fight for the right without question or pause

To be willing to march into Hell for that Heavenly cause

And I know if I only be true to this glorious quest

That my heart will lie peaceful and calm when I lay to my rest

And the world will be better for this

That one man, scorned and covered with scars

Still strove with his last ounce of courage

To reach the unreachable star

(Mitch Leigh, Joe Darion)

Our “unreachable star” at Nomen Christi Apostolate is the Resilient Catholic Community,

the Authentic Life.

believe in it.

Visualize it.

Pray for it.

Give yours a name.

Work towards it.

See the little ones at Mass in their mothers’ arms. They’re gonna need you.

Ash Wednesday "Ginger Berry Overnight Oats"

I happened to make these overnight oats the night before Ash Wednesday, added the 2 layers for breakfast, and realized what a good “fasting day” meal this is. It is vegetarian (you can make it vegan), healthy, nutrient dense and filling. If you are eating empty calories or not enough substance, you might have difficulty getting through the day….unless that’s what you want, you do you! But if you have health issues or get irritable when you’re hungry, it might not be the most responsible thing to tax yourself too much. So here’s one idea for an Ash Wednesday / Good Friday meal and this recipe is so flexible, you can make your own variations (you decide how much of this is a meal or a snack). And from a prepper viewpoint, overnight oats is a great way to make something without needing a heat source…stock up on oats!

One cup Rolled Oats in a 6 1/2” x 6 1/2” dish. 1 tbs Chia Seeds, 1 scoop sweetened Vanilla Protein Shake Mix, any Milk (just enough to cover oats), ground Ginger to taste. Mix well. Let sit in fridge covered overnight.

Spread one serving of yogurt on top. This is a stevia-sweetened berry yogurt.

Top with Berries.

Spoon into another dish. That’s it! Overnight Oats are are meant to be eaten cold, but you can certainly warm it up a bit if you want, you may also wish to add more milk for a creamier texture.

My Trip to The Home Depot

We discussed impending Spring in the last post, so that means a trip to a garden center, in this case, The Home Depot, since I was passing by it today anyway. Whenever I’m at The Home Depot, I manage to find something I didn’t know I needed and this time it was the battery organizer! Here is everything I bought….

An inexpensive Orchid Potting Mix, for my old orchid plant which needs some refreshing…seed starter containers and soil pods (2 different methods, both of which may be placed directly in the ground, after opening up the bottoms for the roots to grow-I love the pods, you add water and they puff up like magic, they’re really fun for children)…kale (early crop!) seeds (I’ve still got tons of seeds from last year which I will be using)…a fire extinguisher for our basement (you should have one on each level of your home and write the expiration date on it with a Sharpie)…the battery organizer (I love this thing, batteries not included LOL but it does come with a battery tester)…a new Aloe Vera plant (which is considered medicinal for the skin)…plastic indoor plant trays (I’m of the mind you can never have too many)…large Comet for a buck and Febreze cheap 2-pack. You can also see our bug-out bag and some of our maps (MAPS ARE VERY IMPORTANT! ALL KINDS!). There is our car organizer, which you can’t see too well behind everything, but it functions sort of as an extension to the bug-out bag.

Yes, I know The Home Depot is one of those big-chain monoculture seat-at-the-creepy-new-world-order-table monopolizing entities. This particular store had disturbing in-your-face cameras during Covid (because we all know why cameras are needed when there’s a virus going around), which have since been removed. I do try to limit my patronage of such stores, but I never said I was perfect. For sure, the “Mom & Pop” local businesses should be supported as much as possible…and the farmer’s markets!

I was very impressed to see an array of fruit trees for sale this year. Peach, apple, cherry and pear! I think I have to go back and check that out when hubby can carry them…but I will have to do a bit of research first, you have to know what you’re doing with fruit trees…