Nomen Christi Apostolate

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Sharing Our Eclipse Pilgrimage of Mercy

Stay tuned for posts about our family’s Pilgrimage in San Antonio, Texas, including pics! We prayed the Rosary at all 5 Franciscan Missions along the San Antonio River, including the Alamo (which no longer has a church, so we prayed in the outside garden). We will have one post per Mission, plus one all about Eclipse Day. It was such an extraordinary experience full of blessings!

God bless all who participated all over the country in Nomen Christi Apostolate’s Eclipse Pilgrimage of Mercy…

working on pictures!

Please be patient as we work on all the pictures we took. We have to enhance color and light and fix framing. Also, email from the phone, re-size and place in files. It’s time-consuming, but we want to bring the very best pics that do these amazing Missions some justice!