Nomen Christi Apostolate

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Holy Communion "Prayer for Sanctification" from the Holy Mass

Okay, let's jump right in and continue with some simple commentary on the text of the Holy Mass of the Tridentine Rite:

"O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living
God, Who, according to the will of Thy Father,
with the cooperation of the Holy Ghost,
hast by Thy death given life to the
world; deliver me by this Thy most
sacred Body and Blood, from all mine iniquities and from all evils and make me always
cleave to Thy commandments, and
suffer me never to be separated from
Thee, Who livest and reignest with the same God the
Father and the Holy Ghost, God world without end. Amen."

Last time, we commented on the Holy Communion "Prayer for Grace."  The above prayer immediately precedes this.  We are preparing for the most sublime and important human experience there is:  A physical and spiritual union with the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, Jesus Christ, our Redeemer from the Cross.  What words could possibly prepare us for such a thing?  Holy Mother Church in her wisdom has given them to us.

There are three basic thoughts being expressed here.  First, we address the One we are about to receive, invoking also the other two Members of the Holy Trinity.  We acknowledge our Redemption through His death, without which, none of this makes any sense.  Secondly, we beseech Him to deliver us from all evil which may interrupt His plan for the fruition of our Redemption.  Thirdly, we desire complete and everlasting union with Him.  We admit that this is done not by just feeling warm and fuzzy, but by "cleaving," becoming one in fiber, to His commandments and teachings, distributed to us by His Holy Church.  This is radically counter-cultural because His teachings are radically counter-cultural.  In other words, something very real and specific is required of us if we are to avail ourselves of this greatest of Privileges, AS WE SHOULD EXPECT.

Prayer:  "Lord, how can I truly be one with Thee?  What changes must I make in my life to do this?  Please never let me receive Thee unworthily.  Amen."