Nomen Christi Apostolate

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July is the Month of The Most Precious Blood of Christ!

[Edited since original posting]

Sorry this post is a little late.  I was having computer problems-I do like to get this out the first of the month.  There is a prayer from the Litany of the Most Precious Blood on our Home page-please have a look!  May we honor Our Lord’s Precious Blood this month in whatever ways we can.  May we always defend His Most Sacred Body and Blood.  In this culture of “tolerance,” we must never tolerate sacrilege, which tragically, abounds in today’s world.  What does this mean in practical terms?  Pray about it and the Holy Ghost will enlighten your mind.  The culture is so bad, we must all submit to martyrdom in some fashion.  Don’t expect things to get any easier any time soon.  Bite the bullet and win your heavenly reward!  What is love if it is never tested?

Here are some interesting feasts of this month.  Since we are preppers around here, I like to provide the feasts of saints who are invoked for particular needs which may be relevant in times of distress (Saint Camillus and Saint Pantaleon are both invoked for disease and the medical profession).  We will soon need them more than ever!  And if you don’t understand why, you are not paying attention...on that note, may we exercise penance over this 4th of July weekend for our beautiful and ailing United States of America….and for the babies in the womb she has abandoned.  O Mary, Patroness of the United States, pray for us!  Pray for the little ones!  May we never forget them!

Have a most holy and blessed month of July!

7/1-Most Precious Blood

7/2-The Visitation

7/3-Saint Thomas-Apostle, Martyr

7/4-Our Lady of Refuge (non-standard)

7/6-Saint Maria Goretti-Virgin, Martyr

7/12-Saint Veronica of the Veil (non-standard)

7/16-Our Lady of Mount Carmel (wear the Brown Scapular-it is very powerful!)

7/18-Saint Camillus de Lellis-Priest, Founder, Patron of the sick & nurses

7/19-Saint Vincent de Paul-Priest, Founder of Vincentians, Patron of Charitable Societies

7/22-Saint Mary Magdalen-Patron of Repentant Sinners

7/25-Saint James the Greater-Apostle, Martyr/Saint Christopher-Martyr, Patron of Travelers

7/26-Saints Joachim & Anne-Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary

7/27-Saint Pantaleon-Martyr, Patron of Lung Disease, Doctors & Medical Profession

7/29-Saint Martha-Virgin, Sister of Lazarus & Mary , Patron of Cooks

7/31-Saint Ignatius of Loyola-Priest, Founder of Jesuits, Patron of Spiritual Retreats


(this blog provides both new and old feasts-non-standard refers to local or “historical” feasts)